As the month of October comes to an end, The African Coalition would like to educate everyone on the ways to navigate domestic abuse, especially those who are immigrants.
While being in an abusive relationship is hard enough, immigrants also face cultural and language barriers that make it harder to know their rights and how to utilize immigration relief. Laws such as The Violence Against Women Act—established by congress in 1994— have been enacted to help foreign nationals staying in abusive relationships with temporary visas known as U-Visas.1
The African Coalition aims at providing direct support to individuals who have dealt with domestic abuse. As immigrants who have experienced domestic violence might struggle understanding what they can do, the African Coalition helps victims with mental health and immigration services that are able to meet their needs.
Most recently, The African Coalition took part in a virtual event organized by The FGM Greater Taskforce of Greater Los Angeles. The victim-centered event aimed at providing clear strategies in accessing services and support available by the most important agencies that cater to their immediate needs. This compassionate approach includes services that respect cultural beliefs and practices, and understands the difficulties that minority communities experience in navigating services available to them. We aim to get this information to victims and survivors to make them aware of services and support that can start them on the road to healing.
Domestic violence poses serious mental and physical health consequences to immigrants, so advocating for them is important in protecting the health and wellness of the larger community.
¹Morgan, Tracie L. “Legal Options for Immigrant Survivors of Abuse.” Best Lawyers, 9 Oct. 2023,,getting%20a%20green%20card%E2%80%9D